Saturday, December 20, 2014

Day 17 - The Question

I wanted to spark some positive thinking in others through a question.  I have learned the most effective way to do this is to ask is "What's the best thing that happened to you today?" It's amazing how many people know right away what the worst thing that happened was, but once they flip their mindset, a lot of fun responses come up.   Everyone I ask takes a few seconds to really think about it, and I find that just in digging for the answer, it slowly gets them to shift into positive mode.  I ask this question every day to the guests in our store, but I put some more emphasis on this for day 17.  Here are a few responses:

"Well I woke up, is that good enough?"

"I had coffee with a friend I haven't seen in a while"

"I'm a grandmother as of yesterday"

"Seeing you" (sarcastic or not, I always follow this one up with a hug)

"I just got out of the hospital after 3 months of treatment"

"I had my last exam"

I love seeing a shift in a stranger just by asking this and about half of the people who had a legitimate response thanked me for asking with a smile on their face.  Mission accomplished.

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